Craftsmanship course in Food Production & Patisserie

Craftsmanship course in Food Production & Patisserie

The Institute offers the short 1½ year craft certificate program in the specialised trade of Food Production and equip students with basic skills required in the kitchens.  Successful students after training are guarantees jobs in the hospitality industry immediately on completion mainly at entry level as cooks, commies, kitchen assistants, etc.
The course is divided in to two semesters of seventeen weeks each followed by twenty weeks of Industrial Training. Classes are conducted at the institute involving theory input and practical laboratory teaching. The subjects covered are Cookery and Larder, Bakery and Patisserie, Hygiene, Equipment Maintenance as well as Costing. Students are tested through internal assessment tests and term end examinations. Students are trained in different types of service, knowledge of menus, ingredients, preparation and accompanying garnishes.


CCFP Regular result 2016-17

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